Human Resource Management

The Challenges and Crises Facing HR Management

1:57 PMUnknown

During the past few years, economic downturns, industry crises, bank failures, closings of plants and stores, changes in global operations, and other factors have significantly affected organizations, managers, and Human Resource (HR) management professionals. For HR and other executives, these changes have led to decisions about layoffs, reductions in work hours, and cuts or elimination of some employee benefits. HR is facing a different world because of these problems.
Other issues have created different workforce strategies as well. A recent survey found that the highest-demand jobs include jobs like registered nurse, elementary and secondary school teacher, accountant and auditor, general and operations manager, network software engineer, and jobs that contain significant professional responsibilities. The increased demand for these jobs has been caused by economic shifts in staffing that have affected manufacturing, retail, and other industries. These examples illustrate why HR must change. Organizational and HR executives, managers, and employees are dealing
in various ways with major issues. According to surveys, some of the biggest problems include:
• Adjusting benefits programs due to increasing costs
• Attracting and retaining key employees
• Planning for replacement of "baby boomers" when they retire
• Using talent management to train and develop capabilities of employees for future job needs
• Dealing with the expanded personal and organizational use of HR technology through blogs, wikis, twitters, text-messaging, and other formats
• Complying with revised and changing federal, state, and local legal requirements affecting discrimination, treatment errors, unionization, and other issues
The manner in which all these conflicting issues are managed can influence how HR plans and contributes to organizational culture and performance.
As the HR Headline indicates, managing people in changing organizations is part of what is currently being done by supervisors, managers, and executives. People as human assets are the "glue" that holds all the other assets, such as financial and physical ones, together and guides their use to better achieve results. Certainly, the cashiers, supervisors, and other employees at Wal-Mart or Walgreen's or the doctors, nurses, receptionists, technical professionals, and other employees at a hospital allow all the other assets of their organization to be used to provide customer or patient services. How effectively people at all levels contribute to organizational results is part of the challenge. Managing people as human resources is essential in organizations of all sizes and types.
As a field, human resource management is undergoing significant transformation. Human resource (HR) management is designing management systems to ensure that human talent is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals. Whether employees are in a big company with thousands of jobs or a small nonprofit agency, managing people in an organization is about more than simply administering a pay program, designing training, or avoiding lawsuits. If human resources are to be an important part of successfully competing in the marketplace, a different level of thinking about HR management is necessary. Productive, creative people working in flexible, effective organizations that provide rewarding work for individuals is important for all managers, not just those in HR departments. People in organizations can be a core competency.

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