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Communication Skills: Your Ticket to Work or Your Ticket Out the Door

7:22 PMUnknown

Whether you are already working or are about to enter today’s workplace, one of the fastest ways to ensure your career success is to develop excellent communication skills. Today’s workplace revolves around communication. How good are your skills? If your communication skills are top notch, they can be your ticket to work. If not, they can be your ticket out the door.

The Importance of Communication Skills to Your Career
Surveys of employers consistently show that communication skills are critical to effective job placement, performance, career advancement, and organizational success. In making hiring decisions, employers often rank communication skills among the most requested competencies. Many job advertisements specifically ask for excellent oral and written communication skills. In a poll of recruiters, oral and written communication skills were by a large margin the top skill set sought. In another poll, executives were asked what they looked for in a job candidate. The top choices were teamwork skills, critical thinking, analytical reasoning skills, and oral and written communication skills. When we discuss communication skills, we generally mean reading, listening, nonverbal, speaking, and writing skills. We devote special attention
to writing skills because they are difficult to develop and increasingly significant.

Why Are Writing Skills Increasingly Important?
Writing skills are particularly important on the job today because people are writing more than ever before. Technology enables us to transmit messages faster, farther, and more easily than in the past. You will probably be writing many e-mail messages. In fact, e-mail is “today’s version of the business letter or interoffice memo.” Because electronic mail has become the primary channel of communication in today’s workplace, business e-mail messages must be clear, concise, and professional.
Writing skills are also increasingly significant today because many people work together but are not physically together. They stay connected through spoken and written messages. Writing skills, which were always a career advantage, are now a necessity. A survey of American corporations revealed that two thirds of salaried employees have some writing responsibility. About one third of them, however, do not meet the writing requirements for their positions.
“Businesses are crying out—they need to have people who write better,” said Gaston Caperton, business executive and College Board president. The ability to write opens doors to professional employment. People who cannot write and communicate clearly will not be hired. If already working, they are unlikely to last long enough to be considered for promotion. Writing is a marker of high-skill, high-wage, professional work, according to Bob Kerrey, president of New School University in New York and chair of the National Commission on Writing. If you can’t express yourself clearly, he says, you limit your opportunities for many positions.
You may be thinking that jobs in technical fields do not require communication skills. For example, communication has traditionally NOT been a necessary skill for finance and accounting professionals. However, times are changing. A recent poll of 1,400 chief financial officers sponsored by Accountemps revealed that 75 percent said that verbal, written, and interpersonal skills are more important today than they were in the past. Even technical specialists must be able to communicate with others and explain their work clearly. A survey of Web professionals showed that those with writing and copyediting skills were far less likely to have their jobs sent offshore. Another survey conducted by the Society for Information Management revealed that network professionals ranked written and oral communication skills among the top five most desired skills for new-hires.

Professionalism Counts With Employers
In addition to expecting employees to write clearly, businesses expect employees to act in a businesslike and professional manner on the job. One employer was surprised that many of her new-hires had no idea that excessive absenteeism or tardiness was grounds for termination. The new employees also didn’t seem to know that they were expected to devote their full energy to duties when on the job. One young man wanted to read Harry Potter novels when things got slow.
Projecting and maintaining a professional image can make a real difference in helping you obtain the job of your dreams. Once you get that job, you are more likely to be taken seriously and promoted if you look and sound professional. New-hires can sabotage their careers when they carry poor college habits into the business world. Banish the flip-flops, sloppy clothes, and IM abbreviations. Think twice about sprinkling your conversation with like, you know, and uptalk (making declarative sentences sound like questions). You don’t want to send the wrong message with unwitting and unprofessional behavior.

How Does Your Education Affect Your Income?
Because the U.S. economy is increasingly knowledge based, education is extremely important. Two thirds of all new jobs require some kind of postsecondary education. The more education you have, the more you can expect to earn and the less likely you will be unemployed. Writing is one aspect of education that is particularly well rewarded. A Fortune magazine article reported this finding: “Among people with a two- or four-year college degree, those in the highest 20 percent in writing ability earn, on average, more than three times what those with the worst writing skills make.” One corporate president explained that many people climbing the corporate ladder are good. When he faced a hard choice between candidates, he used writing ability as the deciding factor. He said that sometimes writing is the only skill that separates a candidate from the competition.

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